
Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Camp savasana

Twelve weeks working at camp! Not just any old camp but one that accommodates adults and children with disabilities. I volunteered for room, board and life changing experiences, at the climbing wall and zip line at Rocky Mountain Village.  

My goal for the summer:  learn to be still! It was quite possibly the worlds worst goal to set while working at camp. 

In real life I am consumed with -
1. beginning a new project
2. completing a project
3. making a lot of money for someone else

"Do you think I have ADHD?" A few months ago I asked my friend Natalie who works in education.  She said that I just have a lot of energy.  Ok, I thought I was alright with her diagnosis.  However having 'high energy' just keeps coming up.  New friends, old friends, friends of friends... comment that I am a "high energy person".  It is beginning to feel like a back-handed complement.

A couple of days after camp ended, Ben told me he feels that in life you only have a given amount of breaths and when you have used them up, your time ends.  I feel like I might be using my breaths too quickly!  However, as I was sitting at the pond a few weeks ago I found myself simply watching the fish as they searced for insects flying too close to the surface of the water, they jumped.  I wasn't trying to be still, it just happened! 

Camp life was similar to a yogic practice for me.  I had to spend 12 weeks in consent motion, moving so fast that I could not even process what might happen tomorrow.  Moving every muscle so that I was so tired at the end of the day I fell asleep before I could begin planning all my moves for the following day. I was completely focused on all things outside my own head. 

Then camp ended - savasana did not begin right away (old habits die hard) but that day I felt it. Stillness. 

Om and Namaste!

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